
“We've completed a RoadMap for a client, but now their situation has changed. Can we just make changes to the RoadMap?”


The short answer to this question is no. But, let us explain the all important why.

Think of a RoadMap like a tax return.

A client makes Medicare choices at a moment in time for specific reasons. For example, a person may put off Medicare enrollment because he's still working. A RoadMap will document the details of the client's situation at that moment, including steps to take to enroll (or delay) Medicare, etc. This information will then serve as a vital reference in the years to come, helping a person to remember why certain decisions were made. It can even serve as legal documentation.

When a person's situation changes (he is going to retire and give up employer-provided coverage), you do not go back and alter that RoadMap — just as you do not got back and change tax returns from two or three years ago because your income in the current year has changed. The historic look-back is still accurate and very important to maintain. Instead, a person creates a new RoadMap for the current point in time.

How To Start a New RoadMap (Needs Assessment) for an Existing Client in i65

To start a new RoadMap for an existing client, simply log into i65 and head to the "Clients" section of the software.

Find the client you need to add a RoadMap for from the list of clients and click on the gray "View" button.

On the next screen, click on the orange "Needs Assessment" button on the left side of the screen, below the "Add Service" subheading. (See Illustration A)

The next time you click the "View" button next to the client's name within the "Clients" section of the software, you'll see a listing for a new Needs Assessment noting under the Status column that it is either "In Progress" or "Done." To complete a Needs Assessment that is unfinished, simply click on the orange "Finish" link located to the left. (See Illustration B)

Errors in RoadMaps

If you've completed a client RoadMap with an error in it (Example: Your client said that they do not plan to travel, but, on second thought, they do. Or, you indicated that they are not yet taking Social Security benefits, but they actually are), unfortunately, you cannot change it yourself. Once RoadMaps are locked, they are uneditable for the user.

However, you can contact i65 Support. We will work with you to rectify the situation, whether it is refunding credits, updating RoadMaps on the back end, etc.