"I have a client who never completed her needs assessment. She tried to do that today, but the link in that email is now expired. Do those links expire, and, if so, how do I resend my client an invitation to run that report?"


Yes. For security reasons, links provided to run reports in i65 do expire after 30 days. But, fear not. It is very easy to send an invitation email to a client with a new, functioning link.  

Here's how:

  1. Log into i65 through the i65 website or by using the direct URL,
  2. Once you're logged in, you will be on the i65 "Home" page.  On this page, you'll find a dashboard that gives you a comprehensive overview of all the current activity within i65. The dashboard divides this activity into the three i65 reports and consultation services.

    To resend a client invitation, first determine which report your client is trying to complete — Needs Assessments, i65 Medicare RoadMaps, or iEstimates. Find the corresponding section on the dashboard.  

  3. Under the subhead that states "Not Started," click on the client's name. 

  4. In the pop-up menu that appears, click on the "Send Client Email" button.  Your client will receive a new invitations with a new link to create the report.